Nachon lähtö nyt virallista. Ei kiinnostanut kerätä pokaaleja vaihtopenkillä. kun ensi kaudella todennäköisesti ei 2 topparia ole koko kautta sivussa. Arvostuksesta Realia kohtaan ei siirtynyt toiseen eurooppalaiseen seuraan. Jäljelle jäi vain MLS ja öllyraha. Ehkä öljy vei voiton, kun voi asua euroopassa perheen kanssa ja saa varmasti vapaata, kun tarvitsee. Madridistas,
I want to dedicate a few words to you that are few to express everything I feel at this moment. I say goodbye to the club of my life, Real Madrid. I arrived when I was 10 years old, I formed myself as a person and as a player, I learned to win and lose, to fight and suffer, to enjoy, and to always live with enthusiasm and determination. I learned everything that I am today. I have been coming to train every day at the same place for almost 25 years, learning the values of Real Madrid, giving my life and fighting for this shield: you have given me everything.
It is very difficult for me, but now it is time to leave with the confidence and peace of mind of knowing that I have always given my best to represent this shield, on and off the field. When I was a child, I dreamed many times of playing in our stadium, the Santiago Bernabéu, and today I have the honor of ending my time as the captain who managed to lift our 15th Champions League. There are no words to express my feelings. I always wanted my ending as a Real Madrid player to be beautiful and at the top, and I can tell you that having a better one than this is impossible.
It has been months of reflection, indecision and doubts, but today I come to tell you that I need to live one last and different experience with my family, and this is the perfect time. Thank you, Real Madrid, for understanding me.
President: thank you for your help and your faithful trust in me every moment.
Team: you are my brothers. The best players, teammates and FRIENDS a captain could have.
Just thinking about you makes me happy.
Mister: you made me better by your demands to have to surpass me at every moment. Thank you for taking care of me and understanding me.
Madridistas: your demands make us great as players. Thanks for everything. Playing for you and feeling your warmth made me stronger. Don't forget... Until the end!!
I want to send a message of gratitude to the hundreds of people who have worked with me throughout all these years and who have made me a better player and person. Trainers, physios, staff, doctors, communication and marketing, props, club workers... THANK YOU in capital letters.
Thanks also to my parents, my wife and children, my family and friends, who have held my hand on this path without letting me go. Sometimes it has not been easy, but your effort and support have allowed me to fulfill a dream and reach the top.
I say goodbye to you after 24 years of absolute dedication, passion and enthusiasm.
I would like you to remember me as a youth player who gave EVERYTHING for his club. Thanks from my heart.
From today I will shout every title and every goal of this incredible family. Real Madrid from my heart!
This is a see you soon, Madridistas.
Nacho Fernandez.